Tons and Tons of Treasures available.
Final Sale
Everything must go!!!
Friday March 29th
10am until 4pm
Some of the items available are: Toys, Furniture, Art, Vintage items, Desks, Rocking Chairs, US Navy, Vintage lamps, Asian dolls, China, Noritake china, 70's wall art, Tons of Jewelry, Vintage compacts, Barbie clothes, Barbie dolls, Cookie jars, Annette Himstedt dolls, Beer steins, TWA bag, Toy cars, KOA sorority stick, Vintage bibles, Silver plate silverware sets, Belly dancer accessories, Navy shirts, Dobbs Hats, Vintage men's and women's hats, Patches, Swords, US Navy items, Metal signs, Vintage Union 76 oil container, US Navy hats, Vintage photos, Mickey mouse watch, clothing. Vintage glass/bar ware, Vintage vanity items, Vintage jewelry, Vintage purses, masks, vintage typewriter, Asian items, and so so so so so much more....Please note: No computers, Records, CD's or tools.
This house is packed with a variety of items. We have displayed as much as possible but some digging will be required. Get ready to have fun and possibly get a little dirty.